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Shareable Resources about the Pot Shop Issue

PDF's and other resources that can assist you in spreading awareness about the negative impacts of marijuana, and to stop pot shops from entering our community!

Below are a few of the free PDF resources found on

Johnny's Ambassadors | Addiction + Dependence Information Sheet

Johnny's Ambassadors | Top 10 Myths |Information Sheet

Johnny's Ambassadors | The Dirty Dozen Negative Effects of Teen Marijuana Use | Information Sheet

Johnny's Ambassadors | Marijuana is the #1 Gateway Drug |Information Sheet

Johnny's Ambassadors | Marijuana and Schizophrenia 
| Information Sheet

Johnny's Ambassadors | Signs of Suicide |Information Sheet

More Resources

Comprehensive Packet on the Marijuana Issue

| Information Sheet

How Marijuana Affects A Life| Fact Sheet


Marijuana Fact Sheet

Financial, Public Safety, Location, and Community Impact


Below is a letter made for YOU to sign and send to the West Richland City Clerk! Make sure to specifically state that you want them added to the record under public comment in the next upcoming Council Meeting packet. This will help ensure that all members of the council will receive and read the letters!

Letter to City Council

Mail letter to:
3100 Belmont Boulevard, Suite 100
West Richland, WA 99353

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