Our city conducted yet another survey- which did not include any question regarding the citizen's feelings towards allowing more marijuana shops in our community. However, many citizens spoke out against the pot shop agenda!
To navigate to one example of results pertaining to the pot shop issue: Go to the survey page, select the "Detail: Any more to say?" tab. Then, filter results to "Please do not allow pot in the city." There you will find 50 responses! Only 4 of those are in support of the marijuana shop.
However- 2 of those 4 appear to be a duplicate! That is just 5.66% for the pot shop- and an overwhelming 94.34% against!
This is an apparent sign that West Richland citizens do not want to allow pot shops into the community, now or ever!
However- to convince City Council, you must speak up! Write an email to the City Council on the city website linked below!
Go to our GET INVOLVED PAGE to find out more ways you can help support your community's well-being and safety!